News — Review

Huawei P8 - The Paradise Phone - A GadgetWear Review

It’s fair to say that most of you reading this may not of heard of the brand Huawei before, but they are an emerging force to be reckoned with as they attempt to break into the saturated mobile market, and with their latest offering the P8, the Chinese geniuses behind the device look set to go head to head with the big boys this year, a dark horse to keep an eye on.

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GadgetWear's Top 5 Samsung Galaxy S6 Cases

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is by far one of my favourite phones in recent years, if not of all time. With its sharp design and impressive set of statistics it is also one of the most current popular handsets on the market. Once you get your hands on this fantastic device, you realise how fragile and expensive they actually are, so it’s worthwhile protecting it with a top end case. Have a read on of our top 5 bestselling and recommended cases for the Samsung Galaxy S6.

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Olixar Anti Lost Device - The Essential Gadget EVERYBODY Needs

Over the weekend I had the dreaded moment where I fumbled around my pockets and behind the sofa cushions frantically searching for my car keys as I was late for an appointment when I had the Eureka lightbulb experience and remembered I own the fantastic Olixar Anti Lost Device. One simple click later on my smartphone device and I was back in business. It struck me that not many of the readers may have heard of this device before, but if you read on you will see it is the next essential necessity that will sweep across the nations homes in the coming months and years, and you can get your hands on one here first at GadgetWear.

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Nokia Lumia 1520 - A GadgetWear Review

The Nokia Lumia brand, it has certainly come a long way since it’s very first smartphone release several years ago which had a bundle of mixed reviews along with a lot of teething issues. Over the years Nokia has gradually become a massive household name again when it comes to supplying mobile phones, and the 1520 is just more proof of the massive strides of progress the brand continues to convey.

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GadgetWear's Top 5 iPhone 6 Cases

We often get asked by friends, family, members of the public and customers what are our bestselling or most sought after and top rated cases for various phones. Today, we review the top 5 cases we offer for the Apple iPhone 6, to help you make your choice.

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Man v Food? Time for Man v Wood!

From personal experience, there is nothing greater than a nice polished wooden casing for your mobile phone. The wood element, whether it is genuine or faux, always adds that little bit of extra class and smoothness to your phone, giving it a polished and clean finish. One of our most popular ranges here at GadgetWear is the Man&Wood case collection, available currently for the iPhone 6 and 6S handsets.

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Moto G3 - The Budget Blasting Smartphone

We’ve all been there, a brand new shiny smart phone is released, and then 6 months later it’s already old news as a newer version is released, and we feel we have wasted a lot of money. The brand new Moto G3 handset has arrived to save the day, and has officially been announced as the best budget smartphone around.

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Jabra Sports Plus - The Ultimate Bluetooth Workout Buddy

It is widely known that the Beats range dominates the market in terms of the most common method of listening to music, but we are big fans in the office of the Jabra range if you’re a fitness fanatic and enjoy listening to music whilst working out in a comfortable manner. Fitness and gym going is a massive trend at the moment, and Jabra goes hand in hand with that demanding market.

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LG G4 GadgetWear Review - What's It All About?

Authored By Mikey Mangan 0 Comment(s)

The brand new flagship device from LG was unleashed onto the UK market recently, and I personally have never used a mobile phone from this brand, so I was extremely excited to get my hands on one to offer up an unbiased review, and boy was I pleasantly surprised.

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